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Measures to verify ratings/reviews

Each actual experience related to the purchase of a product can be rated with a maximum of 5 stars. The date on which the review was submitted is stated with the review. A total score is then calculated based on the average of the ratings of all verified reviews.

In review comments, customers share their experiences in their own words.

We do not offer benefits, special terms, discounts or other incentives for submitting a positive review or retracting a negative review.

All reviews – both positive and negative – are published. Ratings are calculated based on star rating:
5 very good
4 good
3 Satisfactory
2 Sufficient
1 Not sufficient

Measures to verify the reviews
We have taken several measures in our rating system to ensure that the published reviews are only from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Further manual measures are also used to ensure that only customers who have also purchased the product or used the service can submit reviews.

In order to check the authenticity of the review and its legitimacy, the review cannot be submitted anonymously. The email address used to verify the purchase and will always serve as a verifiable reference for the review. In case of contradictions or indications that the review is not based on experience, despite the above measures, evidence of the legitimacy of the review will be requested and checked accordingly. If the requested proofs for the purchase of the goods or the use of the services cannot be provided, the reviews will be deleted.