When you register your product for repair, various fees may be charged if the defect is outside the warranty. Always check beforehand if the repair is likely to be covered under warranty. The following fees may be charged if the repair is not covered under warranty:
Investigation fees
If the defective product does not fall within the warranty of the product, you will be charged investigation fees. These fees range in price from €60 to €90 and must be paid before the product (even unrepaired) is returned to you.
Shipping costs
If the defective product is outside of the warranty, any operation costs will be charged to you. In most cases, this includes the shipping costs.
Repair fees
In addition to the investigation fees, an estimate of the repair costs will be provided. These are the costs associated with the physical repair and return of your product.
If you do not respond to the quote estimation from our servicedesk within the defined time frame, your product will be returned to you unrepaired. You will be required to pay the investigation fees associated with the product.